Disaster Planning

What do you do if disaster hits? Creating and practicing a plan can help you and your family stay safe and connected in the event of an emergency. Scroll down for planning, alert and recovery resources related to specific to extreme weather events, wildfires and more.  

1. Make a Plan

Put a plan together, know how you and your family members will reconnect if disaster strikes.

Consider the needs of your household members.
Do you own pets? Have a plan that includes your pets. Make sure each pet's tags are up-to-date and fastened to its collar. Have a current photo of you and your pet(s) for identification purposes. Identify shelters in advance that will allow your pets. Have a secure pet carrier, leash, or harness for your pet. Make a pet emergency kit. Click here for readiness information the Federal Emergency Management Agency recommends for pet owners.

Do you require assistive devices? Keep assistive devices and equipment charged and ready to go. Try to have extra chargers and cables for scooters or power wheelchairs. If possible, have a lightweight manual wheelchair for backup.

Need help? Click links to download a family emergency plan and a family emergency communication plan.

2. Share your plan.
Share your plan with neighbors and relatives.

3. Practice the Plan.
Make sure your family members know what to do if something happens. 

Are you prepared for Hurricane/Tornado Events?
Hurricanes bring high winds, heavy rain, storm surge (rise in water level), flooding and tornadoes. These storms are dangerous and can cause damage to places far inland. Click the links to learn how to keep your home and family safe during a hurricane or typhoon.
> Be prepared
> Facts & Tips

Are you prepared for Flooding/Extreme Precipitation Events? Flood Preparedness
Floods can have devastating effects on your home and your family. Remember: Turn Around, Don't Drown! Click the links to learn how to prepare for a flood, stay safe during a flood, and protect your health when you return home after a flood.
> Preparing for a flood/Cómo prepararse para una inundación
> Flood water after a disaster/Agua de la inundación después de un desastre o una emergencia
> Returning after a flood/Después de una inundación
> Flood ready

Are you prepared for Wildfire Events?
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention CDC, “exposure to air pollutants in wildfire smoke can irritate the lungs, cause inflammation, alter immune function, and increase susceptibility to respiratory infections” Click here to learn how to protect yourself, your family, and property from a wildfire.

> Preparing for wildfires/Cómo prepararse para los incendios forestales
> Prepare for a wildfire evacuation

Are you prepared for Extreme Heat Conditions?
Heat related deaths and illnesses are preventable. Some factors that might increase your risk of developing a heat-related illness include:

  • High levels of humidity
  • Obesity
  • Fever
  • Dehydration
  • Prescription drug use
  • Heart disease
  • Mental illness
  • Poor circulation
  • Sunburn
  • Alcohol use

Click the links to learn more about staying safe when extreme heat strikes.
> Beat the Heat
> Be Prepared for Extreme Heat
> Heat-Related Illnesses and Symptoms
> Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
> Mental Health and Stress-Related Disorders

Be sure to protect vulnerable groups from Extreme Heat!

> Older Adults (Aged 65+)/El calor y los adultos mayores
> Infants and Children/Los bebés, los niños y el calor
> Chronic Conditions/Las personas con afecciones crónicas y el calor
> Low Income/Las personas de bajos ingresos y el calor
> Athletes/El calor y los deportistas
> Outdoor Workers/Las personas que trabajan al aire libre y el calor

Are you prepared for Extreme Winter Weather?
Prepare for winter storms, prevent cold temperature-related health problems, and protect yourself during all stages of a winter storm. Winter storms create higher risks of accidents, hypothermia, carbon monoxide poisoning, and heart attacks from overexertion. If you are under a winter storm warning, find shelter right away! Click the links to learn more about staying safe when extreme winter weather hits.Winter Weather Advisory
> Preparing for a Winter Storm/Cómo prepararse para una tormenta invernal
> Stay Safe During and After a Storm/Manténgase seguro durante y después de una tormenta invernal
> Prevent Hypothermia & Frostbite/Prevenga la hipotermia y la congelación
> Winter Ready Tips
> Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)

Are you prepared for Climate Change?
CDC’s Climate and Health Program supports state, tribal, local, and territorial public health agencies as they prepare for the health impacts of a changing climate. Click the links to learn more about heat and health trends.
> Heat & Health Tracker
> Climate & Health
> Climate & Health Assessment

Contact ACCHD
503 Hill Street
Lufkin, TX
(936) 632-1139
ACCHD Office Hours
Monday-Thursday, 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Immunization Hours
Monday-Thursday, 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Contact WIC
205 Shands Drive
Lufkin, Texas
(936) 637-7242
WIC Office Hours
Monday-Thursday, 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
After-Hours Breastfeeding Support
(936) 219-5550

Please arrive 45 minutes before closing to ensure time for processing for needed services.
Let's Get In Touch
© 2025 Angelina County & Cities Health District
© 2025 Angelina County & Cities Health District